01. Prove Your Skills With GitHub

The Tech World Has Adopted GitHub

In 2017, GitHub saw:

  • 1.5 million organizations using the platform
  • 24 million users across 200 countries, from entrepreneurs to open source contributors to company employees
  • 25.3 million active repositories
  • 47 million pull requests, which means people and organizations are working together

Software engineers, developers, and data scientists at most companies use GitHub daily to house their work, read each other's documentation, and collaborate across teams and organizations.

Recruiters, hiring managers, and senior engineers search through GitHub for potential job candidates. Your GitHub profile - activity, repos, commits, documentation - provides evidence that you're a skilled engineer.

Udacity graduate Ryan Waite was hired based on the strength of his GitHub profile.

No Resubmission Required

Unlike other Nanodegree projects, you submit to a Career Service once to get feedback and do not need to meet specifications to continue on in your program. We highly encourage you to take advantage of this guidance; most Alumni who report jobs and other opportunities (such as collaboration) attribute their success to networking.

Career Review Requirement

Your Nanodegree program was designed to ensure your long-term success in the field, and to pursue a successful career you must showcase the skills you’ve learned to employers effectively. Therefore, this is a requirement for graduation, unless you opt-out.

Opting Out

If improving your GitHub profile does not align with your Nanodegree goals, you may opt-out of this graduation requirement.

When you opt-out:

  • You will no longer be able to submit the GitHub Review from this Nanodegree program and all other Nanodegree programs.
  • Your decision to opt-out is final and future access to GitHub Review will need to be purchased separately.

If you would like to opt-out, please click here.

Let's Get Started

Submit your GitHub profile and receive in-depth and honest feedback from a Career Reviewer. They'll ensure you're presenting your best self to the community.


We recommend you review these resources to ensure your profile is ready for feedback.

  1. Rubric. Your project will be reviewed by a Udacity Career Reviewer against this rubric.
  2. Checklist. Based on the project rubric, this is a handy checklist on GitHub best practices.
  3. Career Resource Center. Find additional tips and guides on developing your GitHub Profile.

If you'd like more guidance, continue on to the lesson to learn more about GitHub best practices on commit style, forking and starring, READMEs, and more!